I've been fooling around with this one for a while. This is sort of a sequel to my FFVIIM3G4M1X. It's a remix/mash-up of the soundtrack to the video game The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time.
Ocarina Orchestra 1. part. 1 Kokiri Melody 2. part. 2 Lost Woods Lullaby 3. part. 3 Stormy Windmill Waltz 4. part. 4 Geruedo Valley Grind 5. part.5 Temple Of Time Tango 6. Ocarina Orchestra Full Mix DOWNLOAD
So apparently I have the worst luck when it comes to remix contests. First it was the Kristen Wiig/Macgrubber one getting closed a week early, and now this. I just got an email saying that my remix for the Green Shoe Laces/Dim Mak remix contest got rejected. I'm not sure why, but as far as I can tell, it's because I live in California, and for some reason people in California can't enter. No idea why. Here's the remix any way.
Update: I resubmitted, and for some reason they excepted it this time. Go figure.
I met Sam (Ice Cream Social) through our mutual friend Devin (Lion, Roar!). I started checking out his blog, and listening to the songs he posted as he made them. They caught my ear, but it wasn't until after I finally talked him into sending me his full album that I truly recognized his genius.
Fathoms is 13 minutes and 24 seconds of pure music magic. A fully realized instrumental concept album (which is no small feat). I offered my services as a designer and ended up doing the artwork for the album. I did the world map (above) and cover (below). Now check out the album:
Ice Cream Social - Fathoms Fathoms is the soundtrack to an imaginary video game, paying tribute to side-scrolling platform games from the 16-bit era of SNES, Genesis and DOS with a modern spin.
1 Anthem 2 Galaxy 3 Factory 4 Jungle 5 City 6 Forest 7 Underwater 8 Cave 9 Boss DOWNLOAD
There isn't much to say here since I did a play by play on pretty much every track on this album. If you've been following the remixes as they come out this is still worth a look. About half the tracks have been re edited, and this also includes an extended version of the Passion Pit Sleepyhead remix.
This was a fun thing to produce, and I hope people enjoy it. Vol.4 is already in the works.
I write comics that no one cares about. I make music that no one cares about. I wish I lived the in the village from the prisoner.
And now I make Podcasts with my friends that only a couple people care about.